SELF PARODY feet won't hit the ground...

Self Parody Discography

Self Parody has released 12 albums. Below are album details and links where you can buy each album. Click on the song titles to view lyrics for songs.



Release Date: February, 2021

Name Time
1.  The Long and Slow Deliberate Walk of Sam Grindlinger 5:35
2.  Well, Kelly, Well 6:36
3.  The Scale 8:33
4.  Smells Like Sour 3:36
5.  The Struggle Is Real 2:30
6.  Bernie or Bust a Nut 1:21
7.  You Reckon We Been Slack 5:37
8.  Something Happened On the Way Back To The 7:37
9.  I'm Not Okay 5:39
10.  And I Have Nothing More To Say 4:43
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

This work of chaotic rock art took many, many years to complete. Politics, malaise, and porn has never been so irreverent, until now. Some say this is the final Self Parody album. Others say it's just the beginning.



Thyme Versus Monkeh

Release Date: October, 2014

Name Time
1.  Kids Ruin Everything 3:46
2.  Big Mountain Roof 1:48
3.  Fascibating 2:55
4.  Don't Be So Uppity 4:30
5.  Or Not 3:37
6.  I Am the Monkey 4:24
7.  Inbob and Manrat 2:54
8.  You Learn the Hard Way 4:00
9.  Marie and Me 3:36
10.  Any Hole Will Do 3:40
11.  Denise en el Hospital 2:59
12.  Bug Bite Daddy 4:26
13.  It Almost Ten Pound Ache Brain for Cut Head Off Keran 3:36
14.  I Don't Know 4:07
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

A return to lyrical form for this album. Expect kids ruining everything, tea party pride, and accepting holes on this upcoming release. Also expect to rock your balls off. And if you don't have balls buy a couple so you can rock those off.

Thyme Versus Monkeh


You Are Mad?

Release Date: August, 2013

Name Time
1.  Hamburgler Helper Helena (play sample) 4:03
2.  Michal at the Wedding Party 4:16
3.  Steel Me Some Drums, Obama 3:34
4.  A Beautiful Kind of Balding 4:35
5.  Madonnay Has Black Bush 1:09
6.  Lynn Astorga 5:25
7.  Krugman's Head is Talking 3:16
8.  Don Cheadle in Blackface 5:20
9.  The Gary Colesmans Disease 2:00
10.  Geezus Cry 2:46
11.  And He Hurts Fell'd 2:55
12.  This Birds is Mad 0:39
13.  Ron Raper Kind of Dance 2:48
14.  An Airbag Saved Ralph Nader's Life 2:04
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

A varied mix of instrumentals ranging from the dark to the playful. Song titles matching the emotion of each song. Subtle, plaintive, yet ever so unnerving at times. Finally, an album without vocals. Finally, an album to believe in.

You Are Mad?


Elaine Elaine Elaine

Release Date: November, 2012

Name Time
1.  I Want to Press Your Bone (play sample) 3:39
2.  Me and White Women (play sample) 1:53
3.  Milk (play sample) 4:02
4.  This Marginal Isn't Right (play sample) 3:29
5.  Busy Big Breasted Lady (play sample) 4:31
6.  Small Package Man (play sample) 4:01
7.  Turtle (play sample) 3:11
8.  Manage This (play sample) 3:40
9.  72 Hours on Saturday (play sample) 4:06
10.  So, I Was Talking to Stacey Yesterday (play sample) 5:54
11.  Stop No, Don't Stop (play sample) 2:29
12.  Why Are You Making This Hard (play sample) 3:30
13.  Don't Put That in There (play sample) 1:27
14.  The Music It Burns (play sample) 3:12
15.  Control Alt Delete (play sample) 7:06
16.  Ugh, You and These Jokes That Make My Stomach Turn (play sample) 5:32
17.  Why Are You Still Listening to This? (play sample) 6:16
18.  Bye (play sample) 4:20
19.  So... A Man Walks Into a Bar With A Monkey (play sample) 2:38
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

A crazy mix of perversion, politics, and self deconstruction make this the penultimate Self Parody release. Harkening back to the esoteric, sometimes un-music ways of Self Parody, this 19 song opus will certainly make the mind meld into the white matter that is truly dark.

Elaine Elaine Elaine


Self Parody

Release Date: April, 2011

Name Time
1.  The Source (play sample) 4:46
2.  C'mon Now (play sample) 4:12
3.  A Happy Day (play sample) 4:27
4.  Clowns (play sample) 3:30
5.  People (play sample) 3:10
6.  Hitchens Versus Boteach (play sample) 5:15
7.  When the Race War Hits (play sample) 8:05
8.  Only Nothing (play sample) 5:38
9.  The Snakes Win (play sample) 3:24
10.  The Flight Attendant (play sample) 2:37
11.  Years (play sample) 3:42
12.  The Sink (play sample) 4:25
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

The eponymous, playful, wacky, slightly poignant, and personal account of the man parading around as himself. Certainly more upbeat that previous efforts. And for the first time ever... no cuss words!

Self Parody


Not the Zoo But...

Release Date: July, 2009

Name Time
1.  White Like Dana (play sample) 1:51
2.  You're Just a Wall On the Fly (play sample) 3:52
3.  Deadman, I Direct You to Unknown People (play sample) 3:06
4.  You Can't Save New Jersey (play sample) 3:33
5.  Mary Lynn Rajskub (play sample) 4:13
6.  Mush Is Mind (play sample) 3:44
7.  I Could Probably Melt This Entire Building and Taunt Him With That (play sample) 4:09
8.  Beta Ray Liotta... Fab (play sample) 3:06
9.  Cox Is On My Mind (play sample) 4:28
10.  Everybody Dies in Florida (play sample) 2:37
11.  The Wonderful Art of Phone Tag (play sample) 2:18
12.  I Will Fight You Like This Is Cherry Hill (play sample) 4:15
13.  We Hope You Rot In Heaven (play sample) 3:23
14.  Welcome to America (play sample) 3:09
15.  I Am Renardus (play sample) 4:50
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

Two years in the making, "Not the Zoo But..." is a period piece. The songs evoke themes of life, loss, and transition. But not all is serious - embedded are quirky pieces guaranteed to make you move your leg in a 45 degree angle of either pure delirious joy or mild discomfort.

Not the Zoo But...


Please Don't Yell

Release Date: July, 2007

Name Time
1.  Let's Impeach the Man Who Says Impeach the President (play sample) 2:41
2.  My Vagina Waits for No Man (play sample) 4:24
3.  Finest Oronoco Rum Available (play sample) 4:15
4.  What Mom Said (play sample) 1:21
5.  Black and White and Back Again (play sample) 4:51
6.  Smile! Life Was Good (play sample) 4:20
7.  Please Don't (play sample) 3:42
8.  Just the Cheek, Not the Crack (play sample) 3:25
9.  Let Me Go (play sample) 3:03
10.  Karen, You Won't Like This Song (play sample) 5:03
11.  I Guess Depression Is No Excuse for Not Being Well Mannered (play sample) 4:03
12.  Me and the Dolphin (play sample) 3:12
13.  In Lieu of Our Special Murder (play sample) 4:48
Available for purchase/streaming on these online services:

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

Politics, love, dolphins, and murder permeates this random Self Parody release. A lot more upbeat than the previous "Dance With the Devil" release. Also, the first album to be released on major online retail sites.

Please Don't Yell


Dance With the Devil Now

Release Date: October, 2006

Name Time
1.  A Love Song (play sample) 2:10
2.  Someone's In the Database (play sample) 5:15
3.  Un Tit Led (play sample) 3:50
4.  You Turn Me On and You Turn Me Down (play sample) 4:02
5.  I Feel Hollow (play sample) 4:52
6.  He Used to Fold Five, Now He Folds None (play sample) 4:10
7.  Dee's Got Obboies (play sample) 3:42
8.  Perky Percival Pig (play sample) 1:26
9.  I Am Bored Out of My Fucking Mind (play sample) 4:56
10.  Mouth Never Opens Wide (play sample) 3:09
11.  She Has a Rip In the Back of Her Pants (play sample) 4:53
12.  A Sigh (play sample) 4:39
13.  Stop Looking at Me (play sample) 2:24
14.  You Will Be My Dolly, Holly 1:27
15.  Don't Fuck, Ever 20:11

Not currently available for public sale.

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

The third album in the Karen/Ithica/Devil trio finds Self Parody in a sexful, somber, dark, and bitter state. Although some songs are fueled with latent fervor sexuality (like "Un Tit Led" and "He Used to Fold Five...") other songs are downright depressing - case in point, "I Feel Hollow". One of Self Parody's unsettling and darkest material.

Dance With the Devil Now


All Because of Ithica

Release Date: March, 2006

Name Time
1.  Gone Shopping (play sample) 2:31
2.  Fucked Up My White Knee (play sample) 3:47
3.  I Don't Care (play sample) 4:44
4.  She Spilled Stuff All Over Herself (play sample) 2:11
5.  Buy Yourself Brains (play sample) 3:26
6.  I'm Trying To Finish (play sample) 2:12
7.  All Because of It (play sample) 4:06
8.  Hica (play sample) 4:17
9.  When I Was Ten and Trading Yen (play sample) 3:21
10.  Are You Done Talking To Me Now? (play sample) 3:21
11.  Violence (play sample) 4:14

Not currently available for public sale.

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

Worked on simultaneously with the lighter "Our Favourite Karen". "Ithica" is Winston's softer, poetic, personal side. Songs about doubt, halitosis, and pornography strewn throughout this release. Self Parody's most acoustic release.

All Because of Ithica


Our Favourite Karen

Release Date: July, 2005

Name Time
1.  The Grey Never Leaves But Sometimes It Blends Into a Shadow (play sample) 3:40
2.  Auburn Red (play sample) 2:36
3.  There Was a Girl and Bingo Was His Name (play sample) 3:11
4.  Vitamin Man (play sample) 2:54
5.  Haren Kahn (play sample) 3:06
6.  Hey Little Bear (play sample) 2:37
7.  Faggot Dance (play sample) 2:40
8.  A Monocle Is Going To Get You Karen (play sample) 3:21
9.  I've Never Been To Costa Rica and I Never Will (play sample) 3:18
10.  Tumour Ridden Arm (play sample) 2:34
11.  Mary Lynn Rajskub (play sample) 4:04
12.  Starburst Flavour (play sample) 2:45
13.  Just Stay Tuned and You'll See These Little Balls Come Down (play sample) 2:54
14.  Rot It Out (play sample) 1:50
15.  Big Girls Fall Hard (play sample) 3:45

Not currently available for public sale.

Recorded at Fajima Home Studio, Robbinsville, NJ

This mid 2005 release features playful, lush and lavish balladry. A much lighter side of Self Parody. One of the first releases to feature songs that may actually find their way on mainstream radio.

Our Favourite Karen


The Random Rooster EP

Release Date: July, 2004

Name Time
1.  She Hates Me (play sample) 3:32
2.  You Don't Know How Much It Hurts (play sample) 3:11
3.  For My One and Only (play sample) 2:29
4.  None Whatsoever Will Eat You Alive (play sample) 0:50
5.  Mutilated Cowhead (play sample) 3:28
6.  Doctor Ford, My Friend (play sample) 2:52
7.  A Broken Man (play sample) 3:37
8.  Suicide is the Only Viable Option at This Point In My Life (play sample) 1:49

Not currently available for public sale.

Recorded at Winston's Living Room, North Brunswick, NJ

The sophomore release is one of Winston's most personal and depressing releases. It begins with the ugly, unlistenable instrumetal "She Hates Me" and moves into the real gem on this album, the eerie and sad "You Don't Know How Much It Hurts". The clausterphobic release relinquishes itself as the hidden track "Suicide Is The Only Viable Option at This Point In My Life" pokes fun at the seven previous songs. Besides the hidden track most of the material is not for the faint of heart.

The Random Rooster EP


Lipsticks & Pussy

Release Date: March, 2003

Name Time
1.  Delay Skincutter (play sample) 4:22
2.  Alright, Alright (play sample) 5:39
3.  Gas That Dog (play sample) 2:00
4.  Jaq Trip Her and Sin Dies Now (play sample) 3:32
5.  Sexy Nigger (play sample) 2:24
6.  Desperation (play sample) 0:57
7.  Lipsticks and Pussy (play sample) 3:30
8.  No Music (play sample) 2:02
9.  The Longest Possible Way Home (play sample) 5:43

Not currently available for public sale.

Recorded at Winston's Living Room, North Brunswick, NJ

The debut album is an esoteric mix of spaced out sonics and disturbing imagery. This album has it's share of controversy from the homosexual Civil War romp of "Sexy Nigger" to the blatantly phobic and pornographic title track. The over use of e-bow throughout most of the album sets the mood. While not well engineered this does open the world up to the parody that is self.

Lipsticks & Pussy